Looking for ways to support Black Girls Do Bike?
We'd love for you to tell the world about the work we are doing. Reach out to your local BGDB chapter to offer time, resources or expertise. If you'd like to support us in a more tangible way, below you will find 3 additional ways that you can help us reach our goals.
Purchase quality gear or cycling swag from the BGDB SHOP!
Look great while showing your support for the BGDB mission.
If your values align with ours, you may support us with a one time or recurring tax deductible donation.
Black Girls Do Bike is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal
sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund, a Maryland charitable trust recognized by IRS as a tax-exempt public charity
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178). Contributions to Black Girls Do Bike are
tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Connect your brand, business or organization to Black Girls Do Bike Inc by purchasing advertising rights to one of our traveling event feather flags.